Women's Empowerment & How We Can Help

Women's Empowerment & How We Can Help - Tahiliya
Indian women have made tremendous progress in the last few decades, but there are still many challenges that they face in terms of employment. Despite being one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the employment rate of women in India remains low compared to other countries. This is a significant problem as women play an important role in the economy, and their exclusion from the workforce can lead to a negative impact on economic growth and development.

One of the main reasons for the low employment rate of women in India is cultural attitudes. Women are often expected to prioritize family responsibilities over paid work, and this can limit their opportunities for employment. This is especially true in rural areas, where traditional gender roles are more deeply ingrained. Additionally, there is a persistent belief that certain jobs are "men's work" and not suitable for women. This type of gender bias can limit women's job opportunities, especially in male-dominated fields such as technology, engineering, and finance.

Another significant challenge that Indian women face is the lack of affordable and accessible childcare. Many women choose to stay at home to care for their children, which can be a major barrier to employment. Even when women are able to find work, they often struggle to balance the demands of their jobs with their responsibilities at home. This can lead to high levels of stress and burnout, and can also make it difficult for women to advance in their careers.

The issue of sexual harassment in the workplace is also a significant concern for Indian women. A lack of effective policies and procedures for addressing harassment can make it difficult for women to speak out, and many choose to remain silent for fear of retaliation. This can create a hostile work environment that makes it difficult for women to succeed, and can also discourage other women from entering the workforce. Education is another factor that can impact the employment rate of women in India. While the country has made significant progress in increasing access to education for girls, there is still a significant gender gap in terms of the quality of education received. Women are often expected to study subjects that are considered "appropriate" for their gender, such as home science or humanities, and are discouraged from pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. This can limit their job opportunities and earning potential.

Despite these challenges, there are also many efforts underway to improve the employment prospects of women in India. The government has introduced a number of initiatives to support women in the workforce, including the Mahila Udhyamita Vikas Yojana, which provides business loans to women entrepreneurs, and the National Policy for the Empowerment of Women, which aims to promote gender equality in the workplace. Additionally, there are many NGOs and private sector organizations working to create more inclusive work environments for women and to support their advancement in the workplace.

In conclusion, the employment rate of women in India remains a significant challenge, but there are also many efforts underway to address the issues faced by women in the workforce. Improving access to quality education and childcare, addressing cultural attitudes and gender bias, and creating a safe and inclusive work environment will all be critical to increasing the employment rate of women in India. With the right support and initiatives, Indian women can play a key role in driving economic growth and development, and help to create a more prosperous and equitable future for all.

We at Tahiliya continue to empower our female-driven workforce to drive growth in our business. Majority of our team consists of women, and we continue to employ more female members to help grow Tahiliya, and to grow their own careers along the way. We strive to be a diversified workplace with women from all cultural backgrounds & ethnicities, all working towards one unified goal of building a brand that blossoms lives. 

We wish to encourage & influence other brands in India and around the world to do the same, and we're happy to help in any way possible.